Real Estate Market Report October 2018

Real Estate Market Report October 2018

Average sales prices in OCT 2018 in all counties except Sumner remain higher than Oct of 2017. YTD Sales Prices compared to 2017 continue to outpace last year, with Maury and Robertson showing the highest percent increase at 10.7% and 16.3% respectively. All counties YTD had higher median prices compared to YTD 2017.
Closed Units in OCT 2018 fell below Oct 2017, except for Williamson and Sumner. However, on a YTD basis, all counties reported fewer closed sales compared to YTD Oct 2017.
Months of Supply showed some declines in 4 counties moving into November. Maury shows the most at 3.3 Months of Supply while Rutherford reports the least at 2.1 Months of Supply. Williamson, Sumner, and Wilson had no change from the prior month.
New Home Sales Percent to Total Homes Sold dropped slightly in 5 of the counties. Rutherford and Robertson both showed growth in new home sales compared to last month.
The links to the Counties and Summary Report are at the right.
The Summary Report provides a quick view of all county activity.

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